Finance, Algorithmic Trading and Me: Why would I want to be a Deep Learning Researcher instead of a Quantitative Analyst?

by Melike Vurucu

When I look at LinkedIn and see some people I know personally get a position as a quantitative analyst, I remind myself that I don't like working for markets.

It is not about that my algorithmic skills are not competent enough to be a quantitative analyst.

Or it is not that I don't like mathematics or statistics or finance. I actually like to learn about the dynamics about the society: Finance, psychology, even sometimes politics.

Because I think that having ideals and seeking a better world satisfies me.

Seeing that I could contribute to the world by contributing to the science makes me feel happy.

I have always wanted to be a scientist, even when I was a child (I wanted to be an astronaut, but it still counts as a scientist, right?).

Maybe I have a prejudice about this however I hate having goals like making money or being rich. I think that money is just a tool to reach your goals or to survive.

Even though I could contribute to the science as a quantitative analyst, I still wouldn't want to be one.